REI Outlet

Marmot Stormlight 2P vs Vaude Hogan Ultralight

Marmot Stormlight 2P vs Vaude Hogan Ultralight. Which is better? Compare product specs, and find the lowest price.

Marmot Stormlight 2P is a tent for 2 people. Here we compare it to the Vaude Hogan Ultralight which is a 3-season tent which has room for 2 people. Marmot Stormlight 2P is a tent for 3-season use.

If we compare the weights of these product we notice that Marmot Stormlight 2P weighs and Vaude Hogan Ultralight's weight is .

Product Marmot Stormlight 2P   Marmot Stormlight 2P Vaude Hogan Ultralight
Vaude Hogan Ultralight
Price comparison

No price found.

No price found.

Capacity 2 2
Season 3 3
Doors 2 1
Category Tents & Shelters Tents & Shelters
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